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  • Published Date

    June 3, 2024
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GRAND RE-OPENING SPECIALS GREAT DEALS Mt. Dew Hard Baja Blast, Baja Blast Variety & Mix Pack 12-pack, 12-oz. cans Reg. $19.99 $1699 Pabst Blue Ribbon 24-pack, 12-oz. cans Publ Rubil Reg. $20.49 $1899 Busch & Busch Light 24-pack, 12-oz. cans BUSCH Reg. $23.49 $2199 BUSCH LIGHT Jack Daniels Canned Country Cocktails 12-pack, cans or bottles Reg. $17.49 $1649 3 Diver RBend Sunny D Vodka Seltzers TUESDAY TASTINGS OF THESE PRODUCTS PLUS MORE Orange-Strawberry, Orange- Pineapple & Orange 4-pack Reg. $11.99 $1049 8-pack variety Reg. $21.99 $1999 SUNNY D VODKA SUNNY D SUNNY D Jack Daniels Canned Cocktails 4-pack, 12-oz. cans Coke & Coke zero Reg. $15.49 $999 Udofot JACK DANIEL'S JACK DANIELS Coca-Cola WEDNESDAY TASTINGS OF THESE PRODUCTS PLUS MORE Good Boy Vodka Ice Tea & Lemonade Variety 8-pack, 12-oz. cans Reg. $28.99 $2599 High Noon Variety Packs GOOD BOY "THE JOHN DALY COCKTAIL Starling Castle Wine Gewurztraminer & Reisling Reg. $12.49 $899 12-pack, 12-oz. cans Reg. $14.99 $13.99 Shanky's Whip Irish Liqueur Reg. $30.99 $2699 OPEN HOUSE ANKY'S 8-pack, cans UDOFOT Vodka Reg. $26.49 Tues., June 4 & Wed., June 5 | 3:00-6:00 p.m. Drawings for a Solo stove firepit, Justin Jefferson & Royce Lewis jerseys, Twins tickets and more! TASTINGS BOTH DAYS! Ribbon cutting Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. LIQUOR 507-831-6132 575 2ND AVE., WINDOM $2099 Tequila Reg. $28.49 $22.99 Rum Chata 6666 1 Regular, Pineapple and Coconut 750 ml Reg. $26.49 $2199 RCC C 20% OFF CLOSEOUT WINE WALL HOURS: Monday through Thursday, 10a.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday & Saturday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.: Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. | Prices valid Saturday, June 1-Sunday, June 30 or while supplies last GRAND RE - OPENING SPECIALS GREAT DEALS Mt. Dew Hard Baja Blast , Baja Blast Variety & Mix Pack 12 - pack , 12 - oz . cans Reg . $ 19.99 $ 1699 Pabst Blue Ribbon 24 - pack , 12 - oz . cans Publ Rubil Reg . $ 20.49 $ 1899 Busch & Busch Light 24 - pack , 12 - oz . cans BUSCH Reg . $ 23.49 $ 2199 BUSCH LIGHT Jack Daniels Canned Country Cocktails 12 - pack , cans or bottles Reg . $ 17.49 $ 1649 3 Diver RBend Sunny D Vodka Seltzers TUESDAY TASTINGS OF THESE PRODUCTS PLUS MORE Orange - Strawberry , Orange- Pineapple & Orange 4 - pack Reg . $ 11.99 $ 1049 8 - pack variety Reg . $ 21.99 $ 1999 SUNNY D VODKA SUNNY D SUNNY D Jack Daniels Canned Cocktails 4 - pack , 12 - oz . cans Coke & Coke zero Reg . $ 15.49 $ 999 Udofot JACK DANIEL'S JACK DANIELS Coca - Cola WEDNESDAY TASTINGS OF THESE PRODUCTS PLUS MORE Good Boy Vodka Ice Tea & Lemonade Variety 8 - pack , 12 - oz . cans Reg . $ 28.99 $ 2599 High Noon Variety Packs GOOD BOY " THE JOHN DALY COCKTAIL Starling Castle Wine Gewurztraminer & Reisling Reg . $ 12.49 $ 899 12 - pack , 12 - oz . cans Reg . $ 14.99 $ 13.99 Shanky's Whip Irish Liqueur Reg . $ 30.99 $ 2699 OPEN HOUSE ANKY'S 8 - pack , cans UDOFOT Vodka Reg . $ 26.49 Tues. , June 4 & Wed. , June 5 | 3 : 00-6 : 00 p.m. Drawings for a Solo stove firepit , Justin Jefferson & Royce Lewis jerseys , Twins tickets and more ! TASTINGS BOTH DAYS ! Ribbon cutting Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. LIQUOR 507-831-6132 575 2ND AVE . , WINDOM $ 2099 Tequila Reg . $ 28.49 $ 22.99 Rum Chata 6666 1 Regular , Pineapple and Coconut 750 ml Reg . $ 26.49 $ 2199 RCC C 20 % OFF CLOSEOUT WINE WALL HOURS : Monday through Thursday , 10a.m. to 9 p.m .; Friday & Saturday , 10 a.m. to 10 p.m .: Sunday , 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. | Prices valid Saturday , June 1 - Sunday , June 30 or while supplies last

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