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  • Published Date

    January 27, 2025
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Fall in love with our great deals Look for Valentine's week specials in the February 8th edition New PENDLETON Pendleton Rye and Bourbon 750mL Reg. $50.49 $4499 Revel Stoke Whiskey 750 ml Pecan & Cinnamon Reg. $12.99 $799 KRAKEN Kraken Spiced Rum Spiced 94 proof Reg. $31.49 $2699 Gold Spiced Reg $27.49 $2499 WIND WINDSOR BLACK CHERRY DSOR DIAM Windsor Original, Apple & Black Cherry 1.75L Reg. $18.99 $169 Rebate offer coming in February, see store for details. Grey Goose Limited Edition Minnesota Bottle 1L Reg. $39.99 ULTRA $3399 ULTRA " Paul Masson Brandy 1.75L Reg. $19.49 $1799 Menage à Trois Wine Reg. $10.99-$12.99 10% OFF River Peuring LIQUOR JIM BEAM BOURBON River Bend Michelob Ultra Ultra, Pure Gold & Infusion 12-pk. bottles and cans Reg. $18.49 $1749 15 BLUE MOON BLUE MOON Blue Moon 12-pk. bottles and 15-pk. cans Reg. $17.49 $1649 Jim Beam 1.75L Reg. $36.49 $32,99 Reusable Wine Totes Holds six bottles, beige or black Reg. $4.99 $349 Josh Cellars Wine Reg. $13.99-$15.99 1924 Double Gold Sauvignon Blanc Reg. $13.99 $899 Fash 10% OFF Stave and Steel Bourbon barrel- aged Cab Sauv Reg. $15.99 $1399 Price Premium Grainbelt Beer Premium, Premium Light, Nordeast & Elite 12-pk. bottles and cans Reg. $15.49 $1449 Check out our ever growing selection of beverages and edibles brio brio A Drio brio Brio THC Single cans 16 oz. Reg. $6.99 $499 ID required for all THC purchases New in 2025 All tenders accepted for THC including credit cards Wine Wednesdays Purchase SIX Bottles of Wine (mix or match 750 mL & 1.5L) with a River Bend Reusable Wine Tote and Receive 20% OFF* or 10% off every other day of the week *Does not apply to already discounted items Shop selection online at RiBend LIQUOR 507-831-6132 | 575 2nd Avenue | Windom HOURS: Mon.-Thurs., 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Fri. & Sat., 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Sun., 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Prices good Monday, January 27 through Friday, February 28. Fall in love with our great deals Look for Valentine's week specials in the February 8th edition New PENDLETON Pendleton Rye and Bourbon 750mL Reg . $ 50.49 $ 4499 Revel Stoke Whiskey 750 ml Pecan & Cinnamon Reg . $ 12.99 $ 799 KRAKEN Kraken Spiced Rum Spiced 94 proof Reg . $ 31.49 $ 2699 Gold Spiced Reg $ 27.49 $ 2499 WIND WINDSOR BLACK CHERRY DSOR DIAM Windsor Original , Apple & Black Cherry 1.75L Reg . $ 18.99 $ 169 Rebate offer coming in February , see store for details . Grey Goose Limited Edition Minnesota Bottle 1L Reg . $ 39.99 ULTRA $ 3399 ULTRA " Paul Masson Brandy 1.75L Reg . $ 19.49 $ 1799 Menage à Trois Wine Reg . $ 10.99- $ 12.99 10 % OFF River Peuring LIQUOR JIM BEAM BOURBON River Bend Michelob Ultra Ultra , Pure Gold & Infusion 12 - pk . bottles and cans Reg . $ 18.49 $ 1749 15 BLUE MOON BLUE MOON Blue Moon 12 - pk . bottles and 15 - pk . cans Reg . $ 17.49 $ 1649 Jim Beam 1.75L Reg . $ 36.49 $ 32,99 Reusable Wine Totes Holds six bottles , beige or black Reg . $ 4.99 $ 349 Josh Cellars Wine Reg . $ 13.99- $ 15.99 1924 Double Gold Sauvignon Blanc Reg . $ 13.99 $ 899 Fash 10 % OFF Stave and Steel Bourbon barrel- aged Cab Sauv Reg . $ 15.99 $ 1399 Price Premium Grainbelt Beer Premium , Premium Light , Nordeast & Elite 12 - pk . bottles and cans Reg . $ 15.49 $ 1449 Check out our ever growing selection of beverages and edibles brio brio A Drio brio Brio THC Single cans 16 oz . Reg . $ 6.99 $ 499 ID required for all THC purchases New in 2025 All tenders accepted for THC including credit cards Wine Wednesdays Purchase SIX Bottles of Wine ( mix or match 750 mL & 1.5L ) with a River Bend Reusable Wine Tote and Receive 20 % OFF * or 10 % off every other day of the week * Does not apply to already discounted items Shop selection online at RiBend LIQUOR 507-831-6132 | 575 2nd Avenue | Windom HOURS : Mon. - Thurs . , 10 a.m. to 8 p.m .; Fri. & Sat. , 10 a.m. to 9 p.m .; Sun. , 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Prices good Monday , January 27 through Friday , February 28 .

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