CITY OF WINDOM Did you? Know! In 2023 River Bend Liquor - Generated gross sales of $2,369,420.27 (54.29% of that was beer sales and 33.92% was liquor sales and 9.14% was wine sales) Top items sold include: Busch Light (4,514 cases), Michelob Golden Light (2,266 cases), Coors Light (2,166 cases), Karkov Vodka (1,196 bottles (193.33 cases)), Windsor (973 bottles (162.17 cases)) and Black Velvet (822 bottles (137 cases)) Had 197 attendees (up 34% from 2022) during the annual wine tasting event held at the Windom Community Center and had around 325 bottles preordered from the event Our municipal liquor store contributed $100,000 to the city to off-set general fund expenses Began work on expansion/remodel project to be completed late April/early May 2024 507-831-6129 | 444 9th Street | Windom CITY OF WINDOM Did you ? Know ! In 2023 River Bend Liquor - Generated gross sales of $ 2,369,420.27 ( 54.29 % of that was beer sales and 33.92 % was liquor sales and 9.14 % was wine sales ) Top items sold include : Busch Light ( 4,514 cases ) , Michelob Golden Light ( 2,266 cases ) , Coors Light ( 2,166 cases ) , Karkov Vodka ( 1,196 bottles ( 193.33 cases ) ) , Windsor ( 973 bottles ( 162.17 cases ) ) and Black Velvet ( 822 bottles ( 137 cases ) ) Had 197 attendees ( up 34 % from 2022 ) during the annual wine tasting event held at the Windom Community Center and had around 325 bottles preordered from the event Our municipal liquor store contributed $ 100,000 to the city to off - set general fund expenses Began work on expansion / remodel project to be completed late April / early May 2024 507-831-6129 | 444 9th Street | Windom