CITY OF WINDOM NWINDOMNET Did you Know! Windomnet internet daily down/up bandwidth usage is around 17.05 Terabytes (TB) per day or about 6,223 TB per year. This is equivalent to 1,464,583,832 pages of Word documents or 17,050 hours of video. In the last year we have answered to over 530 trouble orders, including service checks, password resets and equipment problems. Currently we have over 1700 internet subscribers including over 1500 residential and nearly 200 business subscribers 507-832-8000 | 443 10th St. | Windom CITY OF WINDOM NWINDOMNET Did you Know ! Windomnet internet daily down / up bandwidth usage is around 17.05 Terabytes ( TB ) per day or about 6,223 TB per year . This is equivalent to 1,464,583,832 pages of Word documents or 17,050 hours of video . In the last year we have answered to over 530 trouble orders , including service checks , password resets and equipment problems . Currently we have over 1700 internet subscribers including over 1500 residential and nearly 200 business subscribers 507-832-8000 | 443 10th St. | Windom