- WINDOM AREA SCHOOLS - - Business Office Human Resources & Financial Assistant Windom Area Schools is hiring a Business Office Human Resources/ Payroll & Financial Assistant. This is a 12-month position at 40 hours per week. The successful candidate will possess excellent communication skills, have advanced computer skills, be a team player and be able to multitask. Knowledge and experience in a business, human resources, finance, accounting or related field is helpful. Please apply online at: www.windom.k12.mn.us under Employment through FRONTLINE. Contact Mandy Miller with any questions. amiller@isd177.com Application Deadline: Open until filled EOE - WINDOM AREA SCHOOLS - - Business Office Human Resources & Financial Assistant Windom Area Schools is hiring a Business Office Human Resources / Payroll & Financial Assistant . This is a 12 - month position at 40 hours per week . The successful candidate will possess excellent communication skills , have advanced computer skills , be a team player and be able to multitask . Knowledge and experience in a business , human resources , finance , accounting or related field is helpful . Please apply online at : www.windom.k12.mn.us under Employment through FRONTLINE . Contact Mandy Miller with any questions . amiller@isd177.com Application Deadline : Open until filled EOE