CITY OF WINDOM Did you? Know! City Council: Meetings and Information . In 2024 the City Council will have held 30 regular and special meetings. The meeting packets comprised over 2,417 pages of information. In addition to the packets, the City's budget, audit and annual report are posted on the City's website. City Council members also serve on the 14 different boards and commissions. 507-831-6129 | 444 9th Street | Windom CITY OF WINDOM Did you ? Know ! City Council : Meetings and Information . In 2024 the City Council will have held 30 regular and special meetings . The meeting packets comprised over 2,417 pages of information . In addition to the packets , the City's budget , audit and annual report are posted on the City's website . City Council members also serve on the 14 different boards and commissions . 507-831-6129 | 444 9th Street | Windom