rchestra on Mi CONCERT TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2019 7:30 P.M. DR. CHRISTOPHER STANICHAR, CONDUCTOR PRESENTING Dvorak's Symphony No. 9 "From The New World" Beethoven's Choral Fantasy Including piano, community choir & soloists MEMORIAL AUDITORIUMM 714 13th St. Worthington, 507-376-9101 ALL TICKETS RESERVED & SOLD AT THE BOX OFFICE TICKETS Adults $15. ..Students $5 This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota throgh a grant from the SW MN Arts Council, thanks to a legislative priation from the arts and cultural age fund. rchestra on Mi CONCERT TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2019 7:30 P.M. DR. CHRISTOPHER STANICHAR, CONDUCTOR PRESENTING Dvorak's Symphony No. 9 "From The New World" Beethoven's Choral Fantasy Including piano, community choir & soloists MEMORIAL AUDITORIUMM 714 13th St. Worthington, 507-376-9101 ALL TICKETS RESERVED & SOLD AT THE BOX OFFICE TICKETS Adults $15. ..Students $5 This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota throgh a grant from the SW MN Arts Council, thanks to a legislative priation from the arts and cultural age fund.