hello FALL the Daily Apple HEALTH CLOTHING GIFTS Lots of new fall arrivals! OPEN 9:30 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M. SATURDAY, OCT. 12 DOOR PRIZES! 15% OFF Clothing, Jewelry & Purses 507.372.7127 207 10th Street Downtown Worthington New clinically studied dTERRA products for energy, heart health, focus, hormone balance and more! Facebook: TheDailyAppleWorthington Instagram: dailyapple1 hello FALL the Daily Apple HEALTH CLOTHING GIFTS Lots of new fall arrivals ! OPEN 9:30 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M. SATURDAY , OCT . 12 DOOR PRIZES ! 15 % OFF Clothing , Jewelry & Purses 507.372.7127 207 10th Street Downtown Worthington New clinically studied dTERRA products for energy , heart health , focus , hormone balance and more ! Facebook : TheDailyAppleWorthington Instagram : dailyapple1