Treasure Hunter's Dream NI9555 Bored? Take a treasure hunting trip through Windom Variety 2. CHARLIE Mc CARTHY A Day With Whether it's a vintage solid brass U.S. Army buckle, a l1938 issue of "A Day in the Life of Charlie McCarthy" (as pictured with one of our eight owners, Ivan Harris), or a classic comic book from your youth, we're confident you'll find your treasure. WINDOM'S VARIETY 2 965 3rd Avenue Windom Facebook@mnuniquethrift HOURS: Monday thru Friday 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Treasure Hunter's Dream NI9555 Bored? Take a treasure hunting trip through Windom Variety 2. CHARLIE Mc CARTHY A Day With Whether it's a vintage solid brass U.S. Army buckle, a l1938 issue of "A Day in the Life of Charlie McCarthy" (as pictured with one of our eight owners, Ivan Harris), or a classic comic book from your youth, we're confident you'll find your treasure. WINDOM'S VARIETY 2 965 3rd Avenue Windom Facebook@mnuniquethrift HOURS: Monday thru Friday 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.