MONS (L) CONGRATULATIONS ITERNATION to the Windom Lions Club cash raffle winners! The Windom Lions Club cash raffle drawing results: Sally Erickson.. Trevor Tomschin.. Brandon Powell.... $5,000 $100 Ivan Euink.. $1,500 $100 Bill Baumann $1,000 Rick Jacobson. $100 Doris Sale $700 Tom Mischke $100 Dawn Dick. $500 Lamberton News.... $100 Dan Flatgard. . Lorraine Jacobson . . $100 Jennie Russell $250 $100 Lorraine Jacobson .... .$200 Judy Schumacher .. Congratulations to these winners and a BIG THANKS to all who entered! MONS (L) CONGRATULATIONS ITERNATION to the Windom Lions Club cash raffle winners! The Windom Lions Club cash raffle drawing results: Sally Erickson.. Trevor Tomschin.. Brandon Powell.... $5,000 $100 Ivan Euink.. $1,500 $100 Bill Baumann $1,000 Rick Jacobson. $100 Doris Sale $700 Tom Mischke $100 Dawn Dick. $500 Lamberton News.... $100 Dan Flatgard. . Lorraine Jacobson . . $100 Jennie Russell $250 $100 Lorraine Jacobson .... .$200 Judy Schumacher .. Congratulations to these winners and a BIG THANKS to all who entered!