BRIDGE THE GAP Bridge the Gap is a post-rehabilitation program offered at the Wellness Center for patients who have had total knee or hip replacements and then had their physical therapy through the Rehabilitation Department at Windom Area Health. Continue to: Increase Strength Develop Form Improve Gait Build Endurance Patients can opt for this free 8-week program after physical therapy, consisting of 2 sessions per week. Call 507-831-0673 to learn more. 2150 Hospital Dr. | Windom, MN 56101 | 507-831-0673 W WELLNESS CENTER Windom Area Health Personal Training Can Help With: Mobility Weight Loss Balance Weight Management . Strength Training Active Aging Lindsey Englar, ACE-CPT Mara Smith, NASM-CPT Our goal is to improve your physical health, overall wellness, and maintain healthy lifestyle changes. Learn more on the Wellness Center page at or call 507-831-0673 today! 2150 Hospital Dr. | Windom, MN 56101 | 507-831-0673 WELLNESS CENTER Windom Area Health BRIDGE THE GAP Bridge the Gap is a post - rehabilitation program offered at the Wellness Center for patients who have had total knee or hip replacements and then had their physical therapy through the Rehabilitation Department at Windom Area Health . Continue to : Increase Strength Develop Form Improve Gait Build Endurance Patients can opt for this free 8 - week program after physical therapy , consisting of 2 sessions per week . Call 507-831-0673 to learn more . 2150 Hospital Dr. | Windom , MN 56101 | 507-831-0673 W WELLNESS CENTER Windom Area Health Personal Training Can Help With : Mobility Weight Loss Balance Weight Management . Strength Training Active Aging Lindsey Englar , ACE - CPT Mara Smith , NASM - CPT Our goal is to improve your physical health , overall wellness , and maintain healthy lifestyle changes . Learn more on the Wellness Center page at or call 507-831-0673 today ! 2150 Hospital Dr. | Windom , MN 56101 | 507-831-0673 WELLNESS CENTER Windom Area Health