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    March 25, 2024
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APRIL 2024 Monday W WINDOM AREA HEALTH Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 2 3 4 Ortho: Dr. Botker Surg/Clinic: Dr. Reddy MH: Darla Miles, NP (Tele) Urology: Dr. Goldberg Chiro: Dr. Norell MH: Darla Miles, NP (Tele) Opthal: Dr. Dickes Chiro: Dr. Norell Chiro: Dr. Norell Specialty Clinics Friday IH: Liz Coleman, NP 5 MH: Darla Miles, NP (Tele) Chiro: Dr. Norell Occ Med Urology: Dr. Goldberg Chiro: Dr. Norell 8 Ortho: Dr. Botker 10 11 Surg/Clinic: Dr. Reddy Cardio: Dr. Jonsson MH: Darla Miles, NP (Tele) Podiatry: Dr. Nichols Chiro: Dr. Norell Chiro: Dr. Norell Vascular - Santos 15 16 17 Ortho: Dr. Botker Surg/Clinic: Dr. Reddy April Quigley, PA.C MH: Darla Miles, NP (Tele) Chiro: Dr. Norell Podiatry: Dr. Nichols Chiro: Dr. Norell 22 23 MH: Darla Miles, NP (Tele) Urology: Dr. Goldberg Chiro: Dr. Norell 18 12 IH: Liz Coleman, NP MH: Darla Miles, NP (Tele) Chiro: Dr. Norell Occ Med 19 IH: Liz Coleman, NP MH: Darla Miles, NP (Tele) Occ Med MH: Darla Miles, NP (Tele) Ortho: Dr. Botker Chiro: Dr. Norell Surg/Clinic: Dr. Reddy MH: Darla Miles, NP (Tele) Podiatry: Dr. Nichols Chiro: Dr. Norell Chiro: Dr. Norell 29 MH: Darla Miles, NP (Tele) Ortho: Dr. Botker Chiro: Dr. Norell 30 KEY: April Quigley, PA.C MH: Darla Miles, NP (Tele) Chiro: Dr. Norell 24 25 Cardio: Dr. Jonsson Chiro: Chiropractic IH: Integrative Health Tele: Telehealth (Virtual) Occ Med: Occupational Med Pulm: Pulmonology Opthal: Ophthalmology MH: Mental Health/Psychiatry Cardio: Cardiology Surg: Surgery Ortho: Orthopedic Soc Sec: Social Security IH: Liz Coleman, NP 26 MH: Darla Miles, NP (Tele) Chiro: Dr. Norell Occ Med For the most up-to-date calendar, please scan QR code To schedule an appointment with one of the above providers, call 507-831-0670 To schedule an appointment with OB/GYN & Surgical Services, call 507-831-3345 2150 Hospital Dr. | Windom | APRIL 2024 Monday W WINDOM AREA HEALTH Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 2 3 4 Ortho : Dr. Botker Surg / Clinic : Dr. Reddy MH : Darla Miles , NP ( Tele ) Urology : Dr. Goldberg Chiro : Dr. Norell MH : Darla Miles , NP ( Tele ) Opthal : Dr. Dickes Chiro : Dr. Norell Chiro : Dr. Norell Specialty Clinics Friday IH : Liz Coleman , NP 5 MH : Darla Miles , NP ( Tele ) Chiro : Dr. Norell Occ Med Urology : Dr. Goldberg Chiro : Dr. Norell 8 Ortho : Dr. Botker 10 11 Surg / Clinic : Dr. Reddy Cardio : Dr. Jonsson MH : Darla Miles , NP ( Tele ) Podiatry : Dr. Nichols Chiro : Dr. Norell Chiro : Dr. Norell Vascular - Santos 15 16 17 Ortho : Dr. Botker Surg / Clinic : Dr. Reddy April Quigley , PA.C MH : Darla Miles , NP ( Tele ) Chiro : Dr. Norell Podiatry : Dr. Nichols Chiro : Dr. Norell 22 23 MH : Darla Miles , NP ( Tele ) Urology : Dr. Goldberg Chiro : Dr. Norell 18 12 IH : Liz Coleman , NP MH : Darla Miles , NP ( Tele ) Chiro : Dr. Norell Occ Med 19 IH : Liz Coleman , NP MH : Darla Miles , NP ( Tele ) Occ Med MH : Darla Miles , NP ( Tele ) Ortho : Dr. Botker Chiro : Dr. Norell Surg / Clinic : Dr. Reddy MH : Darla Miles , NP ( Tele ) Podiatry : Dr. Nichols Chiro : Dr. Norell Chiro : Dr. Norell 29 MH : Darla Miles , NP ( Tele ) Ortho : Dr. Botker Chiro : Dr. Norell 30 KEY : April Quigley , PA.C MH : Darla Miles , NP ( Tele ) Chiro : Dr. Norell 24 25 Cardio : Dr. Jonsson Chiro : Chiropractic IH : Integrative Health Tele : Telehealth ( Virtual ) Occ Med : Occupational Med Pulm : Pulmonology Opthal : Ophthalmology MH : Mental Health / Psychiatry Cardio : Cardiology Surg : Surgery Ortho : Orthopedic Soc Sec : Social Security IH : Liz Coleman , NP 26 MH : Darla Miles , NP ( Tele ) Chiro : Dr. Norell Occ Med For the most up - to - date calendar , please scan QR code To schedule an appointment with one of the above providers , call 507-831-0670 To schedule an appointment with OB / GYN & Surgical Services , call 507-831-3345 2150 Hospital Dr. | Windom |