Reduce your stress and reap the benefits We'll cover your moving expenses when you make your home at Good Samaritan Society Remick Ridge Estates. Here, senior living means being free to do what you want - as part of a community of friendly people interested in getting the most out of life. And right now, moving here is more affordable than ever. We'll give you up to $1500 to help you make the move. Offer expires on 04/30/25. JOIN OUR COMMUNITY Call Nancy Garvin at 507-841-2550 or visit to set up a tour. Good Samaritan SocietyM All faiths or beliefs are welcome. 2021 The Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society. All rights reserved. 382-314-648 9/21 D-270818 Reduce your stress and reap the benefits We'll cover your moving expenses when you make your home at Good Samaritan Society Remick Ridge Estates . Here , senior living means being free to do what you want - as part of a community of friendly people interested in getting the most out of life . And right now , moving here is more affordable than ever . We'll give you up to $ 1500 to help you make the move . Offer expires on 04/30/25 . JOIN OUR COMMUNITY Call Nancy Garvin at 507-841-2550 or visit to set up a tour . Good Samaritan Society M All faiths or beliefs are welcome . 2021 The Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society . All rights reserved . 382-314-648 9/21 D - 270818