Antonining grat The Cond Sud and Wan Comeon Diri (SWCD alg by apelyed s The Bod of Spees pid SWCD Ng eggs and with other c the Me CLARK LINGBEEK-4- Cofingham Land CODY DURDE from Clark Link To Me Cody DJ Dary SWCD Supervisors Main Lake, Mabes ST In 2006, the C GERA the W Ning Goat Bend, De Anboy, G Joon and Windo DARYL TASLER 31, 20 ng Spring A and the City of of grase fonds how d CEW TOM MULLER-4-y won ad Dober 11, 2004 Nimiting South W de C Tip JEREMY NEREM-104 P lg gd ng p The de SWCT COTTONWOOD SWCD ANNUAL REPORT 2023 Annual Report COTTONWOOD SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 507-832-8287 210 10th Street - Windom Dec 30, Lide, Canon D Tond the Der 1.200 Greater Blue Earth River Basin Alliance SWCD From 2000 d GERMA CERRA includes all part of Med the 2 Ap quillitys CERA WWd Ingleton C MD 2023 WC Proctos Ace In 20 kind much CWT GREXAS HIG EN AW Quality Certy Po 201 *WW expenses the b do comen LWMWM Widad Co Dod CP SPG WW 2125 2023, Natural Resources Block Grant (NRGB) FY21 sed $44,994 Como County THEY gre Ear Rives Le R UBERAC pedi Flo Will 22 and bis 1.400 MPCA (STS) The WMC Implemation Gat 2004-20 2023, 14 CREP/RIM (Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program) (Reinvest in Minnesota) In 2017, the Bund of War and CRIP with dd States Depof OF in the printing The MN CREP hal petion, and 13 ng 42964 the 5STS, Shand and WCA the w quality Enges of thigible p nga ng pic technikaga, mendam, contrato, To date Comod County and the the AMPL Po to install conservation praction on the land MN 150, we Co Le Co grus now called Comervation Contac), unde fe projects and practions we can help le impl de f CREVREM Agricultural Best Management Practices Loan Program Tipo 15 were obtained for 1430,483.23 plan, co ALPg sedy s f compliance with 1704 R&F and 2 KIM Oer alle RIM RIM RIM GREM TWIP, KI Wand SAD County Feedlot Program and d Clupe 7020 A ingestions were conde coad wel, be CD State Cost Share Program And Other Funding Sources The Serpong of boy boundatio for weed plan Wa alde The SWCD$150 G FY206 CCW Path 25 Corn Co 2005 included the Glowing praction W 238 Gwi +45CC-15,670.00 The Coty Bulding with AU k Planning and Zoning and 1 V any questions in future permiting back of 25 wro de Cond Office Daring, he including newly in deter Special Projects SWCD State Aid Id and pde SWCD S CD od bild por Fable finding PWCT S FY2015 on the hand Fall 2 perpose of the file is to put all of the duties SWCT for den or the Cod SWCD wing SMC Minnesota Department of Agriculture- Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program The Toper with the MN Depof Againing the MN And W and mentation wale de wi sanagement, will hea Cd Cy Though 2015 App Land C Co MEN AS at d and y peopoker farmers a tyder Intecoming Co SCD C MN is en w SC MN La A Completed A Con Wa di H Batch b 14 C www doppling t $200 23 Funding A 132,00 2001 Exped 111,234 Southwest Prairie Technical Service Area The SPAWPTSA of 11 SWCThis Southwest Mets with the purpose Rising and technd to 2014 w The F The CWCD he be the hol to the C position is held with the Mare VID Ad Tchad got the 13 cory Engi Engineering Technician and Enging and he HTC This year 13 ppcting our staff with ing well to h I propiate 1122 Funding Exped District Capacity-Clean Water Legacy competitive gratimoting in building the capacity Op FY21 Funding Nation13-2023 Exp 24-223 Comprehensive Watershed Plans The Stof Mos has been moningowed b M Watonan River One Watershed One Plan The WOW Cu Ping Pomp the planning and Weaver Com profitand WCD ing Cond Whened med $700,447 0 pling and of project implement practions. The foo implesce whis, and g MN Wetlands Conservation Act In Coty the Cond WC s for the Minnesota Widends Coner At purpose of the which weddabed on January 1,192 ands and the bene pode de and much the legidations $33fwend the Midland Consent o te-desin, fill, or encatate foto and wond to try to minimise any impact on to place for and a functions and es. Certain and is an exege from the a projom with minimal impact or project located and who co ed apto pode with pat In 323 C CD de 20 Co Cy appe Me wed. These we de offi Com in 201 se positive decision, mean Weland Cont Las check fast bewerking me les and wands Resing or d wwwd and land w and in a Funding op for 2023 y Avond inden of implemen2003 1.100 the weed for planning and end and fand f practi Des Moines One Watershed One Plan Wendel One Plan comp TDM with apped Des Mo pass Jakonyn Wed The $1,79 de that will be od thing and implementing and and and manage practic ble bed with in Maced and implementation funds focus on d Cottonwood Little Cottonwood Rivers One Watershed One Plan Come Mons Ce Wiene with her t de final comp implementation and become Subsurface Sewage Treatment Program (SSTS) 2023 24 po and pow C-14 psf en. 22 systems were instal Mount holding tak keting di need replace that we pay polling d open imped of the City Me placement O Plan the beginning pled by pl fell of the complying daging to y dochanging sewage to the 2025th pe malome, be #funk kand Environmental Education Eating public important part of de SWCD o 2023 Environmental Fair 2d to be s paddin Cyg the CAC The fo 2023 Cottonwood County Fair CSWED 2001 C F and day of dem SWCD Staff KAYGROSS SWCD and G SPTSA AC grad DAVE BUCKLIN SWCD DT CERRA PT P C Condo KARI CLOUSE SCD PA GERIA C Png E King Planning and Zoning BECKY BUCHHOLZ PC ETS 13 MP Thos AMPL C HERMAN BARSTCH GRESA AC Sp Pre My Pr NATHAN HARDER SWCD Di Ta PT Program MSFTX GREABA BREANNA WAGNER SWCD DT The PM ET, CARR Pand Ed County Staff ALEX SCHULTZ Pammanenil Zassng Pred Zoning Feng DYLAN OLLTENBRUNS Things I Antonining grat The Cond Sud and Wan Comeon Diri ( SWCD alg by apelyed s The Bod of Spees pid SWCD Ng eggs and with other c the Me CLARK LINGBEEK - 4 Cofingham Land CODY DURDE from Clark Link To Me Cody DJ Dary SWCD Supervisors Main Lake , Mabes ST In 2006 , the C GERA the W Ning Goat Bend , De Anboy , G Joon and Windo DARYL TASLER 31 , 20 ng Spring A and the City of of grase fonds how d CEW TOM MULLER - 4 - y won ad Dober 11 , 2004 Nimiting South W de C Tip JEREMY NEREM - 104 P lg gd ng p The de SWCT COTTONWOOD SWCD ANNUAL REPORT 2023 Annual Report COTTONWOOD SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 507-832-8287 210 10th Street - Windom Dec 30 , Lide , Canon D Tond the Der 1.200 Greater Blue Earth River Basin Alliance SWCD From 2000 d GERMA CERRA includes all part of Med the 2 Ap quillitys CERA WWd Ingleton C MD 2023 WC Proctos Ace In 20 kind much CWT GREXAS HIG EN AW Quality Certy Po 201 * WW expenses the b do comen LWMWM Widad Co Dod CP SPG WW 2125 2023 , Natural Resources Block Grant ( NRGB ) FY21 sed $ 44,994 Como County THEY gre Ear Rives Le R UBERAC pedi Flo Will 22 and bis 1.400 MPCA ( STS ) The WMC Implemation Gat 2004-20 2023 , 14 CREP / RIM ( Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program ) ( Reinvest in Minnesota ) In 2017 , the Bund of War and CRIP with dd States Depof OF in the printing The MN CREP hal petion , and 13 ng 42964 the 5STS , Shand and WCA the w quality Enges of thigible p nga ng pic technikaga , mendam , contrato , To date Comod County and the the AMPL Po to install conservation praction on the land MN 150 , we Co Le Co grus now called Comervation Contac ) , unde fe projects and practions we can help le impl de f CREVREM Agricultural Best Management Practices Loan Program Tipo 15 were obtained for 1430,483.23 plan , co ALPg sedy s f compliance with 1704 R & F and 2 KIM Oer alle RIM RIM RIM GREM TWIP , KI Wand SAD County Feedlot Program and d Clupe 7020 A ingestions were conde coad wel , be CD State Cost Share Program And Other Funding Sources The Serpong of boy boundatio for weed plan Wa alde The SWCD $ 150 G FY206 CCW Path 25 Corn Co 2005 included the Glowing praction W 238 Gwi + 45CC - 15,670.00 The Coty Bulding with AU k Planning and Zoning and 1 V any questions in future permiting back of 25 wro de Cond Office Daring , he including newly in deter Special Projects SWCD State Aid Id and pde SWCD S CD od bild por Fable finding PWCT S FY2015 on the hand Fall 2 perpose of the file is to put all of the duties SWCT for den or the Cod SWCD wing SMC Minnesota Department of Agriculture Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program The Toper with the MN Depof Againing the MN And W and mentation wale de wi sanagement , will hea Cd Cy Though 2015 App Land C Co MEN AS at d and y peopoker farmers a tyder Intecoming Co SCD C MN is en w SC MN La A Completed A Con Wa di H Batch b 14 C www doppling t $ 200 23 Funding A 132,00 2001 Exped 111,234 Southwest Prairie Technical Service Area The SPAWPTSA of 11 SWCThis Southwest Mets with the purpose Rising and technd to 2014 w The F The CWCD he be the hol to the C position is held with the Mare VID Ad Tchad got the 13 cory Engi Engineering Technician and Enging and he HTC This year 13 ppcting our staff with ing well to h I propiate 1122 Funding Exped District Capacity - Clean Water Legacy competitive gratimoting in building the capacity Op FY21 Funding Nation13-2023 Exp 24-223 Comprehensive Watershed Plans The Stof Mos has been moningowed b M Watonan River One Watershed One Plan The WOW Cu Ping Pomp the planning and Weaver Com profitand WCD ing Cond Whened med $ 700,447 0 pling and of project implement practions . The foo implesce whis , and g MN Wetlands Conservation Act In Coty the Cond WC s for the Minnesota Widends Coner At purpose of the which weddabed on January 1,192 ands and the bene pode de and much the legidations $ 33fwend the Midland Consent o te - desin , fill , or encatate foto and wond to try to minimise any impact on to place for and a functions and es . Certain and is an exege from the a projom with minimal impact or project located and who co ed apto pode with pat In 323 C CD de 20 Co Cy appe Me wed . These we de offi Com in 201 se positive decision , mean Weland Cont Las check fast bewerking me les and wands Resing or d wwwd and land w and in a Funding op for 2023 y Avond inden of implemen2003 1.100 the weed for planning and end and fand f practi Des Moines One Watershed One Plan Wendel One Plan comp TDM with apped Des Mo pass Jakonyn Wed The $ 1,79 de that will be od thing and implementing and and and manage practic ble bed with in Maced and implementation funds focus on d Cottonwood Little Cottonwood Rivers One Watershed One Plan Come Mons Ce Wiene with her t de final comp implementation and become Subsurface Sewage Treatment Program ( SSTS ) 2023 24 po and pow C - 14 psf en . 22 systems were instal Mount holding tak keting di need replace that we pay polling d open imped of the City Me placement O Plan the beginning pled by pl fell of the complying daging to y dochanging sewage to the 2025th pe malome , be #funk kand Environmental Education Eating public important part of de SWCD o 2023 Environmental Fair 2d to be s paddin Cyg the CAC The fo 2023 Cottonwood County Fair CSWED 2001 C F and day of dem SWCD Staff KAYGROSS SWCD and G SPTSA AC grad DAVE BUCKLIN SWCD DT CERRA PT P C Condo KARI CLOUSE SCD PA GERIA C Png E King Planning and Zoning BECKY BUCHHOLZ PC ETS 13 MP Thos AMPL C HERMAN BARSTCH GRESA AC Sp Pre My Pr NATHAN HARDER SWCD Di Ta PT Program MSFTX GREABA BREANNA WAGNER SWCD DT The PM ET , CARR Pand Ed County Staff ALEX SCHULTZ Pammanenil Zassng Pred Zoning Feng DYLAN OLLTENBRUNS Things I