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peri nie been febrory 2 161 ond May 7, pod The ithe ofthey ens n mune d A SUMMARY OF Veterans Benefits Are you aware of your benefits? Attention Vietnam Veterans know that both the Sio Fels ond Minneopolis V honpitah ove VAmoy ors dnies kocodin Sp Loke, James and Markoto ewas widenpread uie ol Aget Oronge during e Veto Wo 1encorge ll Vetmveteron who served in Vietnom to contod my offce for a brief interview. I cotinue to meet Vietnom veleron who re not ewre of VA regulolione regring the se celled prmpe deoser coed by Aget Oange eel eer elon ofher information penining to ol yimportont lor Venom teran know hot hoon wer Wah ons pleose col s07.83155 diseoses ore end eheta Below is more specik information pertaining to Vietnam by the office looted ar 41385 US Highwoy 71, Windom Ofice hour ore Monday theough fridov. 8.00 am to 430 om You mey elo vit our county ebie . oddion to possble dobily benelis is e foc o ao Vatnom veteron preumed o ho been eposed Agent Orongn, helhe moet lkely quolifes for VA health core As with ol verons curety ing the VA heol coe yen, aorth noing that erons do not needte dacontine ing hei local privote heolth core focilte Mony releror ve boh sems dependng on eir indidal needs ond Gromtance. A, impot Thank Todd Dle Cotonwood County Veteran Senice Oficer Vietnam Blue Water Navy and Marine Corps Veterans, Surviving Spouses and Children e Water Nary ond Marine Corpa Veterans, wpore to the deodly herbicide knon os Agent VETERAN Noise Exposure ergns moy hove been posed hamlnoe n combot, troining, ond duing milory service ives, rocke, hevy wepons, je ond ocret, ond Heolth problems relotedonoieHgh erty noise nd von con coecote hering kon ond Exposure to Orange Anyeran who served on a ship tperoted tsinging in the eon Agent Orange in Vietnam cthe purposs of VA compension beneli, Vteran Comboda during the Vetam War and hoe ony 12 nouticol mile of the coeline ol Vetnom The Iratie of Medicine publahed a 2005 eport, Noise uhoserved onyuhere in Vatnam between Jonuory , dognosed en eled to Agent Oronge should lea gnd Miy Service mpletions for Heoing Los ond etory dsoblity ond uios benefh oddition, espoute or child may be eedte VA these Agent Orange eas he deo 1962 ond May7. 1975 o presumed so ho been Ti Heoth concet you re conceed obout heo problema conocioted with noise poure during our ory service. tok o your heolth core provider or loeol VA Envement el Coordnot Veerore enled nthe VA heolth core ytem, tnd our d you quolily for VA heolth core were enposed to Age Orengeher herbidein onder contributed get dy comgenon for dinses reloed Age Orange eposur Service in Vetnam include Sel foot in Vietnom This includes brieliss oshore. chosene deced he oref Veom hen a hip operated in Vetnom's coe coatol woters for ended periodis ond orew memben wet oshore, or Korean Demilitarized Zone VA benelitVetevors may be eligible for VA disobiliy heolh core benef for heoth dwith noise eposure during mry & Agent Orange Exposure erons who served in ounit within o neor the Koron denoriand aone DM onyime beheen Aprd 1, 1968 ond Augut 31, 1971 ond who VA secogniam on ovocioted with Agent Oronge eponure premedhove been eposederb. Thee Vherans do not hovetohow they were poned to Agent Oronge to be eligible for doobility compensaofion for these compen probilema o a dsose Veterans Diseases Associated pernonolly poing onhore Seved ona ship while ioperoted on the inland with Agent Orange A onumes that certain diseasen con be related to a Veteran's qellying miry ervice presumpive diseo e Waer Veterons ore now pretumed o hon been dee posed to Agert Oronge or ofher herbicides Chedk VAs lst of US Now and Cood Quad shigshot Verans wnt operated in the DM oreo and te teron operoted in Veom Evidence conemed ough milory os physicoly there ecords mut how th he Vran won oboord ene thee hen dhese VA ond the Deponent of Olene myst deternine e hesponure Aget Oronge or oher herbicides dring miy ervioe compersation or urvivors benefi for hese doroses AL Amyleidosis "Concer of the Blodder Gulf War Deployed Veterans ecogrias otuna, hintia ond sinusits on o porticulote Thailand Military Bases & Agent Orange Exposure eon-e Vetereny whe ervice inled dty on presumption, a eteran mat espoure Menons who served ofions and other oreos *Chvonic -cell lekemias Southwet Asio Cerne jor similar ocne form diseate eligble for he following enement Diobetes Melitus Type 2 Hodgkin's Dieose aryline beteen feby 2, nd May 7, 1975 Hos manilested dni , conie his ond/e Hypothyroidium mo has teen eposed o herticides and moy quily lor cronic sinuat, to indude rhinosina, wihin 10 yeori of uchemic Heart Disease Muliple Myelo Served ony lengh of fene in the Sou Asio theoter Nun Hodgkin's tmphomg wmeteni of miltory bosen in haland vtere VA benefn The following erona moy hoe been eposed to l operofions, wiving on Augus 2, 1990, Aghanaon, Sria. Dibout, or Porkinaoniam herbicides US A foros Veneran who served on Royel Thai A Force TA boses of Utapon, Ubon, Nkhon anom Urbekiston on or oher September 19, 2001. Udorn, To, Korof and Don Muon Porkinson's Disease Perigheral Neuropothy, Acute and Subocute Porphyria Cutenea Torde Prostte Concer Regironory Concens fecludes lung cancer) Sot Tiasue Sorcomos other then esteonarcoma chondrosorcomo, Kaponi's sorcoma, or mesoheliomal Children with n Defech 1975 uS Amy Veterong who provided perimater security on A bonen in Thlond onyime beten februery 8. 1961 and May 7, 1975 All Veterans with Lou Gehrig's Disease oli veerne diognoed with Lou Gehvig's Diseose Torelated to their servioe This is lor oll vetern wthle 0 day of contio o ALSI e A presumes US Any Velerons whe were toned on some nal Amy instollatione in Thailand anytime beten febrary 28, 1961 ond May 7, 1975. However he Amy Veleron m hove benoeberl ary police M or O edon M miltory ponal speciaty who N whe eedony branch during ny Camp Lejeune Water Contaminants duty ploced him/her ot or neor the bose perimeter oreceive benelin for diseases oocioted with hebicide led to O bene poue these Veteron t sho on a lodl bosis that they epoed to herbicides during their ervice ene or Cang Lajeune Vaterans and fomly members includ heoln core for s onditons lted he Honoring Americo's Velerors ond Coring for elainune Fomles Act ol 2012. Verons con ecei daobility and heolth core berel for eight preumptive inonts in the Tha ohso means the spouse of these van mey be as shown by evidence of daily lolion report, or her credible evidence duties, performan bsociated w Comp Lene Attention Veterans & Spouses I o have ony ovesions on eny d these benel contoct- e Minnesolo Deportment of Velerans Alloin hon a progrom for veteron ond ther dependers coled the Se Solders Asisnce Progrom SSAPI, Tha grigrom is booed income ond osss and ollows veteron ond tei dependents who quolily to une ther local provider for dental procedures lup to S1.000 och ond optical jesama ond eye plosesvoto S400 eoch. Aset limis do NOT count a home, tomobiletsl or personol Cottonwood County Veterans Service Officer TODD DIBBLE This program hos ouied mony vtenans ond their fomiles with much needed dentol ond opficol asatorce. Below a o toble showing monthly income ond oset limi fyou ink you mey olis imply coll or op by Office Please call lor an oppointment: 507-831-5522 Coonood County Veterons Servioe Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday Fomily Sie Monthly lncome Limi s2.051 41385 Hwy. 71. PO Box 201. Windom, MN 56101 $2,432 55.000 $2.642 Asset Limit $3.000 56.100 S6,400 Special Needs program. The This ed mode posile throvgh o grot by the Minnesota Deportment of Veterana Afoin SSA olo hos a one fime detur Special eds program bil, home r eplocemen moces, opelionces emember that te Speciel Needs program does nat eosied veterons medical important to 1-888-linkvet peri nie been febrory 2 161 ond May 7, pod The ithe ofthey ens n mune d A SUMMARY OF Veterans Benefits Are you aware of your benefits? Attention Vietnam Veterans know that both the Sio Fels ond Minneopolis V honpitah ove VAmoy ors dnies kocodin Sp Loke, James and Markoto ewas widenpread uie ol Aget Oronge during e Veto Wo 1encorge ll Vetmveteron who served in Vietnom to contod my offce for a brief interview. I cotinue to meet Vietnom veleron who re not ewre of VA regulolione regring the se celled prmpe deoser coed by Aget Oange eel eer elon ofher information penining to ol yimportont lor Venom teran know hot hoon wer Wah ons pleose col s07.83155 diseoses ore end eheta Below is more specik information pertaining to Vietnam by the office looted ar 41385 US Highwoy 71, Windom Ofice hour ore Monday theough fridov. 8.00 am to 430 om You mey elo vit our county ebie . oddion to possble dobily benelis is e foc o ao Vatnom veteron preumed o ho been eposed Agent Orongn, helhe moet lkely quolifes for VA health core As with ol verons curety ing the VA heol coe yen, aorth noing that erons do not needte dacontine ing hei local privote heolth core focilte Mony releror ve boh sems dependng on eir indidal needs ond Gromtance. A, impot Thank Todd Dle Cotonwood County Veteran Senice Oficer Vietnam Blue Water Navy and Marine Corps Veterans, Surviving Spouses and Children e Water Nary ond Marine Corpa Veterans, wpore to the deodly herbicide knon os Agent VETERAN Noise Exposure ergns moy hove been posed hamlnoe n combot, troining, ond duing milory service ives, rocke, hevy wepons, je ond ocret, ond Heolth problems relotedonoieHgh erty noise nd von con coecote hering kon ond Exposure to Orange Anyeran who served on a ship tperoted tsinging in the eon Agent Orange in Vietnam cthe purposs of VA compension beneli, Vteran Comboda during the Vetam War and hoe ony 12 nouticol mile of the coeline ol Vetnom The Iratie of Medicine publahed a 2005 eport, Noise uhoserved onyuhere in Vatnam between Jonuory , dognosed en eled to Agent Oronge should lea gnd Miy Service mpletions for Heoing Los ond etory dsoblity ond uios benefh oddition, espoute or child may be eedte VA these Agent Orange eas he deo 1962 ond May7. 1975 o presumed so ho been Ti Heoth concet you re conceed obout heo problema conocioted with noise poure during our ory service. tok o your heolth core provider or loeol VA Envement el Coordnot Veerore enled nthe VA heolth core ytem, tnd our d you quolily for VA heolth core were enposed to Age Orengeher herbidein onder contributed get dy comgenon for dinses reloed Age Orange eposur Service in Vetnam include Sel foot in Vietnom This includes brieliss oshore. chosene deced he oref Veom hen a hip operated in Vetnom's coe coatol woters for ended periodis ond orew memben wet oshore, or Korean Demilitarized Zone VA benelitVetevors may be eligible for VA disobiliy heolh core benef for heoth dwith noise eposure during mry & Agent Orange Exposure erons who served in ounit within o neor the Koron denoriand aone DM onyime beheen Aprd 1, 1968 ond Augut 31, 1971 ond who VA secogniam on ovocioted with Agent Oronge eponure premedhove been eposederb. Thee Vherans do not hovetohow they were poned to Agent Oronge to be eligible for doobility compensaofion for these compen probilema o a dsose Veterans Diseases Associated pernonolly poing onhore Seved ona ship while ioperoted on the inland with Agent Orange A onumes that certain diseasen con be related to a Veteran's qellying miry ervice presumpive diseo e Waer Veterons ore now pretumed o hon been dee posed to Agert Oronge or ofher herbicides Chedk VAs lst of US Now and Cood Quad shigshot Verans wnt operated in the DM oreo and te teron operoted in Veom Evidence conemed ough milory os physicoly there ecords mut how th he Vran won oboord ene thee hen dhese VA ond the Deponent of Olene myst deternine e hesponure Aget Oronge or oher herbicides dring miy ervioe compersation or urvivors benefi for hese doroses AL Amyleidosis "Concer of the Blodder Gulf War Deployed Veterans ecogrias otuna, hintia ond sinusits on o porticulote Thailand Military Bases & Agent Orange Exposure eon-e Vetereny whe ervice inled dty on presumption, a eteran mat espoure Menons who served ofions and other oreos *Chvonic -cell lekemias Southwet Asio Cerne jor similar ocne form diseate eligble for he following enement Diobetes Melitus Type 2 Hodgkin's Dieose aryline beteen feby 2, nd May 7, 1975 Hos manilested dni , conie his ond/e Hypothyroidium mo has teen eposed o herticides and moy quily lor cronic sinuat, to indude rhinosina, wihin 10 yeori of uchemic Heart Disease Muliple Myelo Served ony lengh of fene in the Sou Asio theoter Nun Hodgkin's tmphomg wmeteni of miltory bosen in haland vtere VA benefn The following erona moy hoe been eposed to l operofions, wiving on Augus 2, 1990, Aghanaon, Sria. Dibout, or Porkinaoniam herbicides US A foros Veneran who served on Royel Thai A Force TA boses of Utapon, Ubon, Nkhon anom Urbekiston on or oher September 19, 2001. Udorn, To, Korof and Don Muon Porkinson's Disease Perigheral Neuropothy, Acute and Subocute Porphyria Cutenea Torde Prostte Concer Regironory Concens fecludes lung cancer) Sot Tiasue Sorcomos other then esteonarcoma chondrosorcomo, Kaponi's sorcoma, or mesoheliomal Children with n Defech 1975 uS Amy Veterong who provided perimater security on A bonen in Thlond onyime beten februery 8. 1961 and May 7, 1975 All Veterans with Lou Gehrig's Disease oli veerne diognoed with Lou Gehvig's Diseose Torelated to their servioe This is lor oll vetern wthle 0 day of contio o ALSI e A presumes US Any Velerons whe were toned on some nal Amy instollatione in Thailand anytime beten febrary 28, 1961 ond May 7, 1975. However he Amy Veleron m hove benoeberl ary police M or O edon M miltory ponal speciaty who N whe eedony branch during ny Camp Lejeune Water Contaminants duty ploced him/her ot or neor the bose perimeter oreceive benelin for diseases oocioted with hebicide led to O bene poue these Veteron t sho on a lodl bosis that they epoed to herbicides during their ervice ene or Cang Lajeune Vaterans and fomly members includ heoln core for s onditons lted he Honoring Americo's Velerors ond Coring for elainune Fomles Act ol 2012. Verons con ecei daobility and heolth core berel for eight preumptive inonts in the Tha ohso means the spouse of these van mey be as shown by evidence of daily lolion report, or her credible evidence duties, performan bsociated w Comp Lene Attention Veterans & Spouses I o have ony ovesions on eny d these benel contoct- e Minnesolo Deportment of Velerans Alloin hon a progrom for veteron ond ther dependers coled the Se Solders Asisnce Progrom SSAPI, Tha grigrom is booed income ond osss and ollows veteron ond tei dependents who quolily to une ther local provider for dental procedures lup to S1.000 och ond optical jesama ond eye plosesvoto S400 eoch. Aset limis do NOT count a home, tomobiletsl or personol Cottonwood County Veterans Service Officer TODD DIBBLE This program hos ouied mony vtenans ond their fomiles with much needed dentol ond opficol asatorce. Below a o toble showing monthly income ond oset limi fyou ink you mey olis imply coll or op by Office Please call lor an oppointment: 507-831-5522 Coonood County Veterons Servioe Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday Fomily Sie Monthly lncome Limi s2.051 41385 Hwy. 71. PO Box 201. Windom, MN 56101 $2,432 55.000 $2.642 Asset Limit $3.000 56.100 S6,400 Special Needs program. The This ed mode posile throvgh o grot by the Minnesota Deportment of Veterana Afoin SSA olo hos a one fime detur Special eds program bil, home r eplocemen moces, opelionces emember that te Speciel Needs program does nat eosied veterons medical important to 1-888-linkvet