Tree & Shrub Sale for Conservation SIZE PRICE VARIETY CONIFERS-Potted & Bareroot Arborvitae, Techny potted Black Hills Spruce potted Black Hills Spruce Eastern Red Cedar potted Black Hills Spruce bareroot 12"-18" 15"- 18" $9.00 15" - 18" $9.00 potted 24"-30" $16.00 15"-18" $9.00 $2.50 $2.50 Eastern Red Cedar bareroot 15" - 18" DECIDUOUS Tall Trees 4'-5' American Linden $6.00 Black Walnut 2'-3' $2.50 Bur Oak Common Cottonwood Hackberry Hybrid Willow Norway Poplar Silver Maple $2.50 2'-3' 3'-4' $2.50 3'-4' $2.50 2'-3' $2.50 3'-4' $2.50 3'-4' $2.50 Shrubs Ninebark 2'-3' $2.50 Redosier Dogwood transplant Amur Maple 2'-3' $2.75 2'-3 $2.50 Common Lilac 2'-3' $2.50 Flame Willow 2'-3' $2.50 Sandbar Willow $2.50 18"-24" 18"-24" Sumac $2.50 Small Fruit Trees 2'-3' American Cranberry $3.00 $2.50 American Plum 2'-3' Common Chokecherry Elderberry Red Splendor Crab 2'-3' $2.50 18"-24" $2.50 2'-3' $2.50 Other Varieties Available Upon Request You may find more information pertaining to the SWCD tree program on our website. Please con- tact our office with your order. You will be asked to make a down payment on your order. Trees will be available for pick up around the last week of April. COTTONWOOD SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT, 507-832-8287 210 10th Street Windom Tree & Shrub Sale for Conservation SIZE PRICE VARIETY CONIFERS-Potted & Bareroot Arborvitae, Techny potted Black Hills Spruce potted Black Hills Spruce Eastern Red Cedar potted Black Hills Spruce bareroot 12"-18" 15"- 18" $9.00 15" - 18" $9.00 potted 24"-30" $16.00 15"-18" $9.00 $2.50 $2.50 Eastern Red Cedar bareroot 15" - 18" DECIDUOUS Tall Trees 4'-5' American Linden $6.00 Black Walnut 2'-3' $2.50 Bur Oak Common Cottonwood Hackberry Hybrid Willow Norway Poplar Silver Maple $2.50 2'-3' 3'-4' $2.50 3'-4' $2.50 2'-3' $2.50 3'-4' $2.50 3'-4' $2.50 Shrubs Ninebark 2'-3' $2.50 Redosier Dogwood transplant Amur Maple 2'-3' $2.75 2'-3 $2.50 Common Lilac 2'-3' $2.50 Flame Willow 2'-3' $2.50 Sandbar Willow $2.50 18"-24" 18"-24" Sumac $2.50 Small Fruit Trees 2'-3' American Cranberry $3.00 $2.50 American Plum 2'-3' Common Chokecherry Elderberry Red Splendor Crab 2'-3' $2.50 18"-24" $2.50 2'-3' $2.50 Other Varieties Available Upon Request You may find more information pertaining to the SWCD tree program on our website. Please con- tact our office with your order. You will be asked to make a down payment on your order. Trees will be available for pick up around the last week of April. COTTONWOOD SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT, 507-832-8287 210 10th Street Windom