REPUBLICAN Precinct Caucus for all precincts in Cottonwood County Tuesday, Feb. 27-7:00p.m. Windom Community Center North Gym 1750 Cottonwood Lake Drive Windom Elect delegates and alternates to the County Convention Discuss and submit resolutions for the Republican platform Straw poll Find us on Facebook Cottonwood County MN Republicans This ad prepared and paid for by Cottonwood County MN Republicans. Diane Kruger, Chair 507-831-3447 REPUBLIC PARTY REPUBLICAN Precinct Caucus for all precincts in Cottonwood County Tuesday , Feb. 27-7 : 00 p.m . Windom Community Center North Gym 1750 Cottonwood Lake Drive Windom Elect delegates and alternates to the County Convention Discuss and submit resolutions for the Republican platform Straw poll Find us on Facebook Cottonwood County MN Republicans This ad prepared and paid for by Cottonwood County MN Republicans . Diane Kruger , Chair 507-831-3447 REPUBLIC PARTY