NOTICE OF EXPIRATION OF REDEMPTION State of Minnesota County of Cottonwood Carolyn Rempel Auditor/Treasurer To all persons having an interest in lands described in this notice: You are notified that the parcels of land described in this notice and located in the county of Cottonwood, state of Minnesota, are subject to forfeiture to the state of Minnesota because of nonpayment of delinquent property taxes, special assessments, penalties, interest, and costs levied on those parcels. The time for redemption from forfeiture expires if a redemption is not made by the later of (1) 60 days after service of this notice on all persons having an interest in the lands of record at the office of the county recorder or registrar of titles, or (2) by the second Monday in May. The redemption must be made in my office. IMPORTANT: If the parcels forfeit, they will be sold. If the proceeds from the sale exceed the total amount of the delinquent taxes, special assessments, penalties, interest, and costs. assigned to those parcels, you may be entitled to the excess proceeds from the sale. If there are excess proceeds, you will be notified and must submit the claim form included with the notification in order to receive the proceeds. Names/Addresses Property ID and Description Amount Due Names/Addresses Robert & Carol Minion C/O Jason Minion 632 Edison Ave. Westbrook, MN 56183-9768 Katelynn Rose Stern C/O Jolene 713 5th Ave. Mountain Lake, MN 56159 Property ID and Description Amount Due 22-413-0210 LOT-007 BLK-002 JANZEN'S SUBD 2 22-520-1771 1 Stern Conservator LOT-005 BLK-021 MT LAKE-ORIG TWNST Darlene Neufeld C/O Stanley Neufeld PO Box 65 Butterfield, MN 56120 Julie K. Larson 14300 Parkside Court NW Prior Lake, MN 55372 ALLEY BTW LOTS 4,5; E33' LOT 4; W19' LOT 5 BLK 21 22-611-0490 LOT-004 BLK-002 PRINCE'S SECOND ADD S67.5' OF W45.2' OF E224' $4,439.40 $4,105.72 $70.79 Certified Care Planner LLC 8486 Minuteman Alcove Eden Prairie, MN 55344 01-024-0600 SECT-24 TWP-107 RANG-36 N275.6' OF $308.6' OF W200' E OF TH 71 IN SW1/4 EX. TRIA. TRACTS (.16 ACRE TH) 1.15 Donald Falk etal C/O Dennis Falk Po Box 208 Sanborn, MN 56083 Charles Falk, Robert Falk, August Falk, Dennis Falk, Edward Falk, Donald Falk 07-016-0101 SECT-16 TWP-108 RANG-36 S381' OF N864.25' OF E757.59' NE1/4 NE1/4 6.62 Duane E & Jay D Johnson 24474 39th Ave. Lamberton, MN 56152 09-028-0100 SECT-28 TWP-108 RANG-37 N612.50' OF S653.87' OF W531" NW1/4 7.47 Dale Taylor 26082 390th Ave. Lamberton, MN 56152 Minnesota Department of Revenue Collection Division Collection Enforcement Section PO. Box 64447 St. Paul, MN 55164-0447 17-004-0301 SECT-04 TWP-107 RANG-37 N32 RODS OF W20 RODS NW1/4 NW1/4 4. Hector Trevino 36529 State Highway 3 Storden, MN 56174 Donald Vantine -Tina Hoscheid 312 Courthouse Ave. Jeffers, MN 56145 Donald Vantine -Tina Hoscheid 312 Courthouse Ave. Jeffers, MN 56145 Donald Vantine -Tina Hoscheid 312 Courthouse Ave. Jeffers, MN 56145 18-036-0201 SECT-36 TWP-107 RANG-38 22 RODS FRTG X 12 RODS NW COR NW1/4 NE1/4 1.65 AC 21-173-0390 CNTY AUD SUBD 11 N15' OF E150' BLK NS OF DUROES SUBD $4,257.81 Darlene Neufeld C/O Stanley Neufeld PO Box 65 Butterfield, MN 56120 14300 Parkside Court NW Julie K. Larson $2,597.62 Prior Lake, MN 55372 $2,748.49 $13,012.58 $10,587.73 $142.61 21-173-0401 $84.50 CNTY AUD SUBD 11 W296' OF E446' OF N100' BLK N 0.68 21-234-0050 LOT-006 DUROE'S SUBDIVISION LOT 6 EX N50.8' OF E150' John E Rosenkranz 920 3rd St. PO Box 401 Bingham Lake, MN 56118 Collection Advisory Unit Internal Revenue Service M/S 5900 30 East 7th Street Saint Paul, MN 55101-4940 Tiburcio Estrada 912 1st Ave. S PO Box 241 Mountain Lake, MN 56159 Tiburcio Estrada Jr 708 2nd Ave. Mountain Lake, MN 56159 Lee Roy & Myra Rocha 112 Boxelder St. Mountain Lake, MN 56159 21-414-0960 LOT-003 BLK-014 JEFFERS - ORIG PLAT 22-161-0320 22-161-0380 LOT-026 CNTY AUD SUBD 1 S104' & W79 1/2" OF N160' $3,948.18 $1,460.49 22-611-0491 LOT-004 BLK-002 PRINCE'S SECOND ADD N30' OF S97.5' OF W50' OF E224'; S67.5' OF W4.8' OF E178.8' LOT 4 BLK 2 John (Jack) L Taylor C/O Dale Taylor 26082 390th Ave. Lamberton, MN 56152 23-176-0030 BLK-001 COMMUNITY ADDN E60' OF W100' Joseph Williams Jr PO Box 235 Westbrook, MN 56183 24-029-4700 SECT-29 TWP-107 RANG-38 James F Thomas C/O Ben Thomas 27444 45th St. Jeffers, MN 56145 Heather K Morris & Adrian Lee 1160 5th Ave. Windom, MN 56101 BEGINNING AT PT OF INTERSECTION OF S LINE WELLS AVE WITH S EXT OF E LINE WHITED ST, THENCE E ALONG S LINE 200', THENCE S 38' TO A PT 8.5' N OF CENTER LINE SPUR RR LINE, THENCE W TO S EXT OF E LINE WHITED $75.55 $342.40 $2,115.59 24-029-5000 $4,388.15 SECT-29 TWP-107 RANG-38 N44.2' OF E274' FRT ON WELLS AVE W OF W LINE 1ST ST EXT 25-820-1950 $5,342.04 LOT-010 BLK-025 WINDOM-ORIG TWNSITE PART ALLEY BTW LOTS 8 & 9; Kongmy Sayavong 1309 2nd Ave. Mountain Lake, MN 56159 United Prairie Bank 1545 First Ave Windom, MN 56101 Brenda Ayers & Robert Ludvigson 1224 2nd Ave. Windom, MN 56101 N1/2 LOTS 8, 9 & 10 BLK 25 25-821-0840 LOT-006 BLK-033 WINDOM EAST ADDITION W58' OF S95" 25-822-0740 LOT-005 BLK-047 WINDOM SECOND ADDITION NORTH 46' Logan Arndt 672 Redding Ave. Windom, MN 56101 25-835-0070 LOT-007 BLK-001 WALEN'S SUBDIVISION $2,227.41 $3,518.44 $1,129.71 FAILURE TO REDEEM THE LANDS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION OF REDEMPTION WILL RESULT IN THE LOSS OF THE LAND AND FORFEITURE TO THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Inquiries as to these proceedings can be made to the County Auditor for Cottonwood County, whose address is set forth below. Witness my hand and official seal this 10th day of March, 2025. Carolyn Rempel Cottonwood County Auditor/Treasurer $1,512.53 Cottonwood County Courthouse LOT-019 CNTY AUD SUBD 1 900 3rd Avenue WEST 43' Windom, MN 56101 Telephone: 507-831-1342 $719.48 NOTICE OF EXPIRATION OF REDEMPTION State of Minnesota County of Cottonwood Carolyn Rempel Auditor / Treasurer To all persons having an interest in lands described in this notice : You are notified that the parcels of land described in this notice and located in the county of Cottonwood , state of Minnesota , are subject to forfeiture to the state of Minnesota because of nonpayment of delinquent property taxes , special assessments , penalties , interest , and costs levied on those parcels . The time for redemption from forfeiture expires if a redemption is not made by the later of ( 1 ) 60 days after service of this notice on all persons having an interest in the lands of record at the office of the county recorder or registrar of titles , or ( 2 ) by the second Monday in May . The redemption must be made in my office . IMPORTANT : If the parcels forfeit , they will be sold . If the proceeds from the sale exceed the total amount of the delinquent taxes , special assessments , penalties , interest , and costs . assigned to those parcels , you may be entitled to the excess proceeds from the sale . If there are excess proceeds , you will be notified and must submit the claim form included with the notification in order to receive the proceeds . Names / Addresses Property ID and Description Amount Due Names / Addresses Robert & Carol Minion C / O Jason Minion 632 Edison Ave. Westbrook , MN 56183-9768 Katelynn Rose Stern C / O Jolene 713 5th Ave. Mountain Lake , MN 56159 Property ID and Description Amount Due 22-413-0210 LOT - 007 BLK - 002 JANZEN'S SUBD 2 22-520-1771 1 Stern Conservator LOT - 005 BLK - 021 MT LAKE - ORIG TWNST Darlene Neufeld C / O Stanley Neufeld PO Box 65 Butterfield , MN 56120 Julie K. Larson 14300 Parkside Court NW Prior Lake , MN 55372 ALLEY BTW LOTS 4,5 ; E33 ' LOT 4 ; W19 ' LOT 5 BLK 21 22-611-0490 LOT - 004 BLK - 002 PRINCE'S SECOND ADD S67.5 ' OF W45.2 ' OF E224 ' $ 4,439.40 $ 4,105.72 $ 70.79 Certified Care Planner LLC 8486 Minuteman Alcove Eden Prairie , MN 55344 01-024-0600 SECT - 24 TWP - 107 RANG - 36 N275.6 ' OF $ 308.6 ' OF W200 ' E OF TH 71 IN SW1 / 4 EX . TRIA . TRACTS ( .16 ACRE TH ) 1.15 Donald Falk etal C / O Dennis Falk Po Box 208 Sanborn , MN 56083 Charles Falk , Robert Falk , August Falk , Dennis Falk , Edward Falk , Donald Falk 07-016-0101 SECT - 16 TWP - 108 RANG - 36 S381 ' OF N864.25 ' OF E757.59 ' NE1 / 4 NE1 / 4 6.62 Duane E & Jay D Johnson 24474 39th Ave. Lamberton , MN 56152 09-028-0100 SECT - 28 TWP - 108 RANG - 37 N612.50 ' OF S653.87 ' OF W531 " NW1 / 4 7.47 Dale Taylor 26082 390th Ave. Lamberton , MN 56152 Minnesota Department of Revenue Collection Division Collection Enforcement Section PO . Box 64447 St. Paul , MN 55164-0447 17-004-0301 SECT - 04 TWP - 107 RANG - 37 N32 RODS OF W20 RODS NW1 / 4 NW1 / 4 4 . Hector Trevino 36529 State Highway 3 Storden , MN 56174 Donald Vantine -Tina Hoscheid 312 Courthouse Ave. Jeffers , MN 56145 Donald Vantine -Tina Hoscheid 312 Courthouse Ave. Jeffers , MN 56145 Donald Vantine -Tina Hoscheid 312 Courthouse Ave. Jeffers , MN 56145 18-036-0201 SECT - 36 TWP - 107 RANG - 38 22 RODS FRTG X 12 RODS NW COR NW1 / 4 NE1 / 4 1.65 AC 21-173-0390 CNTY AUD SUBD 11 N15 ' OF E150 ' BLK NS OF DUROES SUBD $ 4,257.81 Darlene Neufeld C / O Stanley Neufeld PO Box 65 Butterfield , MN 56120 14300 Parkside Court NW Julie K. Larson $ 2,597.62 Prior Lake , MN 55372 $ 2,748.49 $ 13,012.58 $ 10,587.73 $ 142.61 21-173-0401 $ 84.50 CNTY AUD SUBD 11 W296 ' OF E446 ' OF N100 ' BLK N 0.68 21-234-0050 LOT - 006 DUROE'S SUBDIVISION LOT 6 EX N50.8 ' OF E150 ' John E Rosenkranz 920 3rd St. PO Box 401 Bingham Lake , MN 56118 Collection Advisory Unit Internal Revenue Service M / S 5900 30 East 7th Street Saint Paul , MN 55101-4940 Tiburcio Estrada 912 1st Ave. S PO Box 241 Mountain Lake , MN 56159 Tiburcio Estrada Jr 708 2nd Ave. Mountain Lake , MN 56159 Lee Roy & Myra Rocha 112 Boxelder St. Mountain Lake , MN 56159 21-414-0960 LOT - 003 BLK - 014 JEFFERS - ORIG PLAT 22-161-0320 22-161-0380 LOT - 026 CNTY AUD SUBD 1 S104 ' & W79 1/2 " OF N160 ' $ 3,948.18 $ 1,460.49 22-611-0491 LOT - 004 BLK - 002 PRINCE'S SECOND ADD N30 ' OF S97.5 ' OF W50 ' OF E224 ' ; S67.5 ' OF W4.8 ' OF E178.8 ' LOT 4 BLK 2 John ( Jack ) L Taylor C / O Dale Taylor 26082 390th Ave. Lamberton , MN 56152 23-176-0030 BLK - 001 COMMUNITY ADDN E60 ' OF W100 ' Joseph Williams Jr PO Box 235 Westbrook , MN 56183 24-029-4700 SECT - 29 TWP - 107 RANG - 38 James F Thomas C / O Ben Thomas 27444 45th St. Jeffers , MN 56145 Heather K Morris & Adrian Lee 1160 5th Ave. Windom , MN 56101 BEGINNING AT PT OF INTERSECTION OF S LINE WELLS AVE WITH S EXT OF E LINE WHITED ST , THENCE E ALONG S LINE 200 ' , THENCE S 38 ' TO A PT 8.5 ' N OF CENTER LINE SPUR RR LINE , THENCE W TO S EXT OF E LINE WHITED $ 75.55 $ 342.40 $ 2,115.59 24-029-5000 $ 4,388.15 SECT - 29 TWP - 107 RANG - 38 N44.2 ' OF E274 ' FRT ON WELLS AVE W OF W LINE 1ST ST EXT 25-820-1950 $ 5,342.04 LOT - 010 BLK - 025 WINDOM - ORIG TWNSITE PART ALLEY BTW LOTS 8 & 9 ; Kongmy Sayavong 1309 2nd Ave. Mountain Lake , MN 56159 United Prairie Bank 1545 First Ave Windom , MN 56101 Brenda Ayers & Robert Ludvigson 1224 2nd Ave. Windom , MN 56101 N1 / 2 LOTS 8 , 9 & 10 BLK 25 25-821-0840 LOT - 006 BLK - 033 WINDOM EAST ADDITION W58 ' OF S95 " 25-822-0740 LOT - 005 BLK - 047 WINDOM SECOND ADDITION NORTH 46 ' Logan Arndt 672 Redding Ave. Windom , MN 56101 25-835-0070 LOT - 007 BLK - 001 WALEN'S SUBDIVISION $ 2,227.41 $ 3,518.44 $ 1,129.71 FAILURE TO REDEEM THE LANDS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION OF REDEMPTION WILL RESULT IN THE LOSS OF THE LAND AND FORFEITURE TO THE STATE OF MINNESOTA . Inquiries as to these proceedings can be made to the County Auditor for Cottonwood County , whose address is set forth below . Witness my hand and official seal this 10th day of March , 2025 . Carolyn Rempel Cottonwood County Auditor / Treasurer $ 1,512.53 Cottonwood County Courthouse LOT - 019 CNTY AUD SUBD 1 900 3rd Avenue WEST 43 ' Windom , MN 56101 Telephone : 507-831-1342 $ 719.48