. CITY OF WINDOM Did you? Know! Windom Ambulance Service The Windom Ambulance Service made 1,132 total runs in 2024, 22 more than 2023. There were 510 local patient transports and 387 other patient transports. 282 of those transports were to Sioux Falls, 11 to Rochester, 17 to Brooklyn Park and 5 to Fargo. The ambulances put on a total of 97,042 miles using 10,608 gallons of gas. 507-831-6129 | 444 9th Street | Windom . CITY OF WINDOM Did you ? Know ! Windom Ambulance Service The Windom Ambulance Service made 1,132 total runs in 2024 , 22 more than 2023 . There were 510 local patient transports and 387 other patient transports . 282 of those transports were to Sioux Falls , 11 to Rochester , 17 to Brooklyn Park and 5 to Fargo . The ambulances put on a total of 97,042 miles using 10,608 gallons of gas . 507-831-6129 | 444 9th Street | Windom