LET US HELP PROTECT YOUR DREAMS. James Johnson, Agent 240 9th Street, Windom Certified Agency in Customer Excellence Bus: (507) 831-1711 jjohnso5@amfam.com 24-HOUR CLAIMS REPORTING &CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800-MYAMFAM (692-6326) HOME | AUTO | LIFE | BUSINESS | FARM & RANCH AMFAM.COM f AMERICAN FAMILY American Family Mutual Insurance Company, S.I. and Its Operating Companies, American Family Insurance Company, American Family Life Insurance Company, 6000 American Parkway, Madison, WI 53783 010996- Rev. 7/17 2015-9628312 INSURANCE LET US HELP PROTECT YOUR DREAMS . James Johnson , Agent 240 9th Street , Windom Certified Agency in Customer Excellence Bus : ( 507 ) 831-1711 jjohnso5@amfam.com 24 - HOUR CLAIMS REPORTING & CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800 - MYAMFAM ( 692-6326 ) HOME | AUTO | LIFE | BUSINESS | FARM & RANCH AMFAM.COM f AMERICAN FAMILY American Family Mutual Insurance Company , S.I. and Its Operating Companies , American Family Insurance Company , American Family Life Insurance Company , 6000 American Parkway , Madison , WI 53783 010996- Rev. 7/17 2015-9628312 INSURANCE