Happy Holidays 'Tis the season to celebrate life and remember all the good times we've shared with loved ones past and present. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year. Sturm Funeral & Cremation Services Springfield Sleepy Eye St. James Madelia Mountain Lake Lamberton Comfrey Michelle Roiger, Rose Hoxmeier, Jennifer Holm Lance Renberg, Carrie & Shannon Asmus, Justin & Jennifer Asmus Happy Holidays ' Tis the season to celebrate life and remember all the good times we've shared with loved ones past and present . We wish you a Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year . Sturm Funeral & Cremation Services Springfield Sleepy Eye St. James Madelia Mountain Lake Lamberton Comfrey Michelle Roiger , Rose Hoxmeier , Jennifer Holm Lance Renberg , Carrie & Shannon Asmus , Justin & Jennifer Asmus