Memorial Day Coors Light, Bud & Bud Light, Michelob Golden Light and Miller Lite 24-pack of cans lite LIGH $1899 Save an additional $5.00 per case with the purchase of 3 cases per brand Phillips Vodka 1.75 ltr Jose Cuervo RTD Margaritas NEW Barefoot Wines Peach, Strawberry &Apple 750 ml 1.75 Itr $1199$1399 s599 priaeni Price! CLAY'S Drive-Ie Liguora SMALL TOWN SERVICE WITH COMPETITIVE PRICES 507-723-4230 | Hwy. 14 E., Springfield Ad prices good Mon, May 20 through Mon., May 27. VISA Memorial Day Coors Light, Bud & Bud Light, Michelob Golden Light and Miller Lite 24-pack of cans lite LIGH $1899 Save an additional $5.00 per case with the purchase of 3 cases per brand Phillips Vodka 1.75 ltr Jose Cuervo RTD Margaritas NEW Barefoot Wines Peach, Strawberry &Apple 750 ml 1.75 Itr $1199$1399 s599 priaeni Price! CLAY'S Drive-Ie Liguora SMALL TOWN SERVICE WITH COMPETITIVE PRICES 507-723-4230 | Hwy. 14 E., Springfield Ad prices good Mon, May 20 through Mon., May 27. VISA