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  • Published Date

    February 26, 2025
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Are you looking to BUY, BUILD OR SAVE? We can service your needs from Ag, Commercial, Consumer to Mortgage Lending; from Construction to Purchase. We can help with the following programs: FHA, VA, USDA Rural Housing, 1st Time Home Buyer, Conventional, Jumbo, and Refi's. LOOKING TO SAVE? Check out these CD Specials 4.28% APY* 7-Month CD-$2,500 min. deposit 4.09% APY* 12-Month CD-$10,000 min. deposit Odin State Bank 507-736-2691 Odin Full Service Bank Member FDIC EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY *APY (Annual Percentage Yield) APY assumes interest remains on deposit until maturity. No additional Deposits allowed once Certificate is issued. Rates subject to change. Fees could reduce earnings. Rate effective 2/24/25. Are you looking to BUY , BUILD OR SAVE ? We can service your needs from Ag , Commercial , Consumer to Mortgage Lending ; from Construction to Purchase . We can help with the following programs : FHA , VA , USDA Rural Housing , 1st Time Home Buyer , Conventional , Jumbo , and Refi's . LOOKING TO SAVE ? Check out these CD Specials 4.28 % APY * 7 - Month CD- $ 2,500 min . deposit 4.09 % APY * 12 - Month CD- $ 10,000 min . deposit Odin State Bank 507-736-2691 Odin Full Service Bank Member FDIC EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY * APY ( Annual Percentage Yield ) APY assumes interest remains on deposit until maturity . No additional Deposits allowed once Certificate is issued . Rates subject to change . Fees could reduce earnings . Rate effective 2/24/25 .