Powering what's GREAT RIVER ENERGY is a Minnesola wholescle power cooperative, govemed by our member-owners. We serve communities, not stockholders. Our roots run generations deep. OCTOBER IS CO-OP MONTH: Discover the meaning of membership. Together, we light the stadium at homecoming and the stage for the school play. We fuel the rides at the counly fair We think economic development can mean a new factory, or a now restaurant in your neighborhood. We believe power isn't just electricity. Ir's possibility. Great River Energy-Powering what's possible Agrdite Electic Cooperive Arrowhood Cooperotive, Inc. BENCO Electic Cooparative Brown County Rumal Electhical Association Federoled Rurd Blectric Associofion Goodhue Counly Cooperotive Blecric Associoion.osco Mantrop Cooperofive Eectrical Aswocafion Meeker Cooperative Mille lecs Energy Cooperative Minneslo Vley Eledtric Cooperaive Nobles Cooperative Bectric North hosco Electric Cooperfive, Inc. Redwood Elecdiric Coopertive Runestone Elecic Associafion South Centrol Electic Asociation Seams Elecric Amocofion Steale Woseco Cooperafive Bectic Todd Wodeno Electric Cooperafive GREAT RIVER ENERGY greatriverenergy.com