ederated= Rural Electric 'Drive-in' 85th Annual Meeting Wednesday, August 5 Due to the uncertainty of the pandemic limiting large groups, Federated planned for a drive-in Annual Meeting because our bylaws do not allow mail-in ballots for candidates. No meal will be served, but registered voters will instead re- ceive a $20 bill credit on their September electric bill. Bring your registration card from July Connections newsletter with the bar code for hands-free registration from your car. Onsite registration is also available, but is slower. 2 locations for voting: Vote for directors, nominating committee & Bylaw amendments Martin County Fairgrounds 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Jackson County Fairgrounds 4:30-6:30 p.m. Brief meeting at 6:30 p.m. at Jackson Fairgrounds. Stay in car. Listen through carradio on 105.7 FM radio station at 6:30 p.m. Ballots will be isolated and then counted August7. Results will be announced through the media, website and our Facebook page. Member attendance gift Wall charger and phone holder: features 2 USB charging ports for cell phones or tablets, along with 2 outlets. Setyour phone on top while it charges to keep it safe and out of the way. The nightlightautomatically comes on dur- ing darkness and off when it's bright ederateda ural Et outside. Cord not included. ederated= Rural Electric 'Drive-in' 85th Annual Meeting Wednesday, August 5 Due to the uncertainty of the pandemic limiting large groups, Federated planned for a drive-in Annual Meeting because our bylaws do not allow mail-in ballots for candidates. No meal will be served, but registered voters will instead re- ceive a $20 bill credit on their September electric bill. Bring your registration card from July Connections newsletter with the bar code for hands-free registration from your car. Onsite registration is also available, but is slower. 2 locations for voting: Vote for directors, nominating committee & Bylaw amendments Martin County Fairgrounds 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Jackson County Fairgrounds 4:30-6:30 p.m. Brief meeting at 6:30 p.m. at Jackson Fairgrounds. Stay in car. Listen through carradio on 105.7 FM radio station at 6:30 p.m. Ballots will be isolated and then counted August7. Results will be announced through the media, website and our Facebook page. Member attendance gift Wall charger and phone holder: features 2 USB charging ports for cell phones or tablets, along with 2 outlets. Setyour phone on top while it charges to keep it safe and out of the way. The nightlightautomatically comes on dur- ing darkness and off when it's bright ederateda ural Et outside. Cord not included.