20th Annual Fairmont GUN SHOW Saturday, Jan. 69 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 7. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. MARTIN LUTHER HIGH SCHOOL 315 MARTIN LUTHER DRIVE NORTHROP 4 miles north of Fairmont on Highway 15. All types of guns, knives, ammo, reloading, other hunting/shooting stuff and collectibles. $5 Admission (10 and under free admission) No one under 18 admitted without a parent! Public invited! GREAT FOOD AVAILABLE! 24-hour guard on premises. Federal and state laws must be obeyed. Buy Sell Trade. Browse FAIRMONT Tr CLUB INC. FP www.fairmonttrapclub.org For more information, or to reserve tables, contact: Rich Wolf, 507-236-4482, or email: mwdoors.rich@gmail.com 20th Annual Fairmont GUN SHOW Saturday , Jan. 69 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday , Jan. 7. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. MARTIN LUTHER HIGH SCHOOL 315 MARTIN LUTHER DRIVE NORTHROP 4 miles north of Fairmont on Highway 15 . All types of guns , knives , ammo , reloading , other hunting / shooting stuff and collectibles . $ 5 Admission ( 10 and under free admission ) No one under 18 admitted without a parent ! Public invited ! GREAT FOOD AVAILABLE ! 24 - hour guard on premises . Federal and state laws must be obeyed . Buy Sell Trade . Browse FAIRMONT Tr CLUB INC . FP www.fairmonttrapclub.org For more information , or to reserve tables , contact : Rich Wolf , 507-236-4482 , or email : mwdoors.rich@gmail.com