HIRING BONUS Miller Sellner is a family-owned, family- focused, CaselH dealership. We pride ourselves in being the best in customer service and product knowledge, and we know that starts with the best employees. OUR FOCUS: SERVICE, VALUE, QUALITY TRACTOR MECHANIC Bingham Lake Location Minimum 2 years technical training. Previous service work experience a plus OR 3 years equivalent experience. Must have a valid driver's license For more information, contact Mike Miller or Mike Sandbo at 507-831-1106 MILLER SELLNER Sleepy Eye | Bingham Lake | Slayton | Fairmont Apply online at: www.millersellner.com/careers Or contact: Kathi Gruenhagen, Human Resources PO Box 409, Sleepy Eye, MN 56085 Phone: 507-794-2131 Email: kathig@millersellner.com Equal Opportunity Employer HIRING BONUS Miller Sellner is a family - owned , family focused , CaselH dealership . We pride ourselves in being the best in customer service and product knowledge , and we know that starts with the best employees . OUR FOCUS : SERVICE , VALUE , QUALITY TRACTOR MECHANIC Bingham Lake Location Minimum 2 years technical training . Previous service work experience a plus OR 3 years equivalent experience . Must have a valid driver's license For more information , contact Mike Miller or Mike Sandbo at 507-831-1106 MILLER SELLNER Sleepy Eye | Bingham Lake | Slayton | Fairmont Apply online at : www.millersellner.com/careers Or contact : Kathi Gruenhagen , Human Resources PO Box 409 , Sleepy Eye , MN 56085 Phone : 507-794-2131 Email : kathig@millersellner.com Equal Opportunity Employer